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Cancer Thrivers

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Discover the 5 shifts any woman can use after cancer to…

Reclaim your health, reduce fear and anxiety around recurrence and feel more in control of your life

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Has cancer hijacked your life? Are you ready to get back in the driver's seat and take charge of your life?

Join our group of cancer survivors and be part of the strength and support a collective unit of women and begin to create the life of your dreams.

Our Self Healing Boss After Cancer Program Is a unique online personal and spiritual development program designed for women who are motivated to awaken their inner healer, feeling more confident and in-control of their life after a life changing experience.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Do you feel anxious, lost and overwhelmed with your health trying to find your new normal on your own?
  • Do you feel like everything has changed since cancer and you don’t know who you are anymore?
  • Do you feel stuck in the past, reliving old regrets, holding onto negative emotions not knowing how to release them, and it's causing you daily stress, tension and even arguments?
  • Are you secretly terrified you're not healthy enough and live the rest of your life in fear or worry, not truly living and fulfilling your dreams?
  • Do you worry you’re drifting through life, not making the most of every day but are too scared to leave your comfort zone and be the woman that's this cancer forged you to be?

If any of this sounds like you…it's time to take control of your health and life.

Imagine feeling in charge of your health and life and you…

  • Enjoy focusing on your career and life goals again, no longer worried about recurrence.
  • Actually enjoy your relationships with friends and family stronger than ever, because you’ll feel able to let people in once again.
  • Trust yourself more and follow your intuition seeing yourself as fully functioning and healed.
  • No longer identify as and feel like a “sick person” and you look forward to living everyday feeling positive, happy with no anxiety.
  • Will not only get your life back but have more clarity and direction to create a life that's even better than before the illness.

Are you ready and committed to transform your life?

Perfect! Let's hop on a 45 minute breakthrough call so we can identify an area to move your health forward so you can take back your life and start living your life on purpose.


Book Your Call Join our Facebook Group

We ACTIVATE the Boss Blueprint.

There is a Blueprint inside of you that already knows how to Heal. As we go around the wheel, we activate the Boss Blueprint in each area of your life.

The Boss Blueprint is a tool that helps you remove who you are NOT and remember WHO you came here to be. It  helps you develop a better relationship with all aspects of you…your body, your mind and your spirit integrating them into your everyday life.

REVEAL what's going on inside of you that's not allowing your body to heal or may have even gotten you sick in the first place. Reveal limiting beliefs, negative emotions that are standing in the way of true healing.

RELEASE these blocks of negative energies that are not allowing you to follow the map to your health. Break free and transform them into higher frequencies of light, giving the body information to heal.

And once you unlock your healing potential, you're then able to…

RADIATE the truth of who you are in this new version of yourself. Discover your true self, your true purpose and integrate these tools into your everyday life creating the life you were always meant to live.

As a result of your healing journey, you’ll…

  • Have total CONFIDENCE in your recovery, and never again be a victim of fear and anxiety.
  • Actually go out and LIVE life, no longer feeling like there’s a constant cloud of worry around you.
  • CONNECT with yourself and loved ones stronger than ever, even if the last few years you’ve been worried about getting close to anyone.

  • Have a step-by-step process so you can feel more IN CONTROL of your health by prioritizing each area of your life you choose to improve

  • Begin to TRUST yourself and your intuition so you finally feel in control of your healing even if you're plagued with never ending self-doubt.

  • Feel more in control of those nagging thoughts and go from believing things are happening TO you to things are happening FOR you.
  • Begin to feel safe within your body so you can uncover your greatest GIFTS inside and out and step into and be the woman that this cancer forged you to be.

12 week wellness journey includes:

  • Access to the Self Healing Boss Program with 12 modules packed with tools and techniques for each area of the wheel.
  • Weekly Q&A sessions
  • Guided meditations, visualizations and healing activations raising your vibration and frequency so you can heal faster, feel more balanced and empowered within your body.
  • Train your inner critic to be your superhero focusing on positive internal language, so you can create the life you deserve.

  • Build new life affirming habits to achieve your dreams faster.

  • Take a pre-assessment of the Wellness wheel to find out which area of your life you will focus on first. 1:1 coaching and healing sessions

  • Take a post-assessment of the wellness wheel to see how far you’ve come and what to focus on next. Includes a 1-year online access to the wellness wheel making it easy to continue keeping track of goals, habits and actions.
  • Activate the Boss Blueprint in all 12 areas of your life, revealing and releasing blocks and limiting beliefs so you can radiate your spirit.
  • Receive gentle guidance and accountability to support your growth holding your hand all the way through.
  • Access to private online supportive community
  • Unlimited Voxer support for in-between sessions

Are you ready and committed to transform your life?

Perfect! Let's hop on a 45 minute breakthrough call so we can identify an area to move your health forward so you can take back your life and start living your life on purpose.


Book Your Call Join our Facebook Group

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